To plot the function graph one need to input the function in input field, separate one function from another by means of comma semicolon and push the "Plot" button. The variable of the function is always x.
To choose the graphic parameters (plotting intervals, zoom) one need to use the corresponding buttons located in sections "Area chart" and "Control tools" correspondingly.
You can plot any of the following functions or their combinations: sin(x), cos(x), tg(x), ctg(x), arcsin(x), arccos(x), arctg(x), arcctg(x), ln(x), ex, sh(x), ch(x), th(x), cth(x), sqrt(x), abs(x). To write the power use "^" sign.
Also, you can put single point to plot. To draw the point, one need to input its coordinates in format {x0, y0}. To draw multiple points, the input format should be: {{x0, y0}, {x1, y1},. . ., {xn, yn}}.
One can connect the points if necessary, input format should be: line({{x0, y0}, {x1, y1},. . ., {xn, yn}}).