Area between curves online calculator

Plane curves area calculation is one of the main applications of definite integral.

area of the crossed curves

To get an area of the plane curve depicted in figure, one needs to calculate definite integral of the form:

Functions and as a rule are known from a problem situation, abscisses of their cross points and need to be calculated. To do this one need to solve equation of the type:

By using the method above, one can also find the area between and disjoint curves, if the points and are initially given:

area between crossed curvers and the straight lines x=a and x=b

In such a case the crossed curve (figure which area we are calculating) is formed by functions , and the straight lines , .

Online area calculator based on Wolfram Alpha capable to calculate area between two crossed curves.

Area between curves calculator
Find area between crossed curves:fxx2gxx33
f ( x ) =
g ( x ) =

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See also:

Indefinite integral calculator
Online partial fraction decomposition calculator
Indefinite integral, basic theory

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